Black Mountain Sangha


Our Teacher

Guiding teacher, Robin Stutzman, MFT, LMHC, ATTMBI, has been a dedicated mindfulness practitioner for over 20 years, a psychotherapist in San Diego for 30 years, and a master MBSR teacher for 15 years. She received her certification as an advanced teacher trainer in mindfulness-based interventions from UCSD Center for Mindfulness is 2015. Her unique talent for cultivating relational mindfulness has supported the healthy growth of the Black Mountain Sangha community. As Black Mountain Sangha’s founder, she leads day-long and residential retreats which benefit from her fresh, inspired teaching style. In addition, she currently teaches 3-4 mindfulness classes (both MBSR and the unique Relational Dharma class she created) and trains leadership at General Atomics. Her personal insight meditation teacher is Donald Rothberg, a senior Dharma teacher at Spirit Rock Meditation Center. She is the author of the forthcoming book Relational Dharma:Transforming Moments of Interpersonal Reactivity into Moments of Equanimity. Robin is greatful for the Buddha, the Dharma, and the Sangha, and to her Dharma brothers and sisters at Black Mountain Sangha for the space to teach. Her gratitude is overflowing.

Neta Circle

Neta (leadership) circle meets every 5th Wednesday. Neta members are senior practicioners who have been attending Black Mountain Sangha for many years. They may also be learning to guide practices and share the dharma via their own personal experiences. Together, Neta members determine topics, meeting schedules, weekend practice activities, and shape larger events like day-long and residential retreats.

Black Mountain Sangha

Catie Harriss

Catie has practiced mindfulness for 10 years with Black Mountain Sangha, attended retreats and mindfulness classes at Black Mountain Center for Mindful Living, UCSD Center for Mindfulness, Deer Park Monastery, Esalen, and Spirit Rock Meditation Center. She has started her journey in Mindfulness teacher training as student teacher in Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Classes and at retreats hosted by Black Mountain Sangha. Black Mountain Sangha is her home Sangha because of the strong practice energy, diversity in members, and close knit compassionate community that supports her practice. Catie is a mom and HR professional and draws upon the wisdom of mindfulness practice in all of her relationships. She is grateful for the Dharma, Black Mountain Sangha, and Sanghas everywhere.

Black Mountain Sangha

Jennifer Warner

Jen began practicing vipassana meditation in 2012 after enrolling an 8 week MBSR class to cope with pain and anxiety. Over the following ten years, additional mindfulness courses and retreats have inspired a deep study of the Dharma. A project manager by profession, she enjoys sharing “mindful check-ins” with her team and cultivating a moment by moment awareness of thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations just how they are. Jen is in her second year of mindfulness teacher training and has attended several residential retreats including at Spirit Rock. She has chosen Black Mountain Sangha as her home Sangha because of the shared wisdom and authenticity the tight knit community supports. She is grateful for the Buddha, the Dharma and the Sangha which are the foundations of her practice.

Jillian Truesdell

Jillian Truesdell

Jillian has been practicing mindfulness since 2015 after taking her first MBSR class with our guiding teacher Robin Stutzman.  After completing both Relational Dharma and Radical Acceptance classes she discovered a love for these teachings, and she made a lifetime commitment to follow this path laid out by the Buddha.  After many day-long retreats, she began attending residential retreats in 2017 and finds silent retreats incredibly beneficial, attending these annually.  While residential retreats are an important part of her practice, she recognizes the Black Mountain Sangha as integral in supporting, maintaining, and deepening her practice. Outside of Sangha Jillian is a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner and has found her ability to care for her patients with full awareness and deep compassion a great benefit to both her patients as well as herself, improving her own equanimity in often stressful healthcare situations.